Sunday, October 22, 2006

The old switcharoo

Loads of things about Iraq right now... the tide seems to be turning, and while I think it's a good idea our beloved leaders are bullied into finally changing their foreign policies, I can't help but think of the stupidity of our actions and what a mess we've created.

Basically we've fucked up a whole country. It may not have been a great country, but we've utterly ruined it now. A 5th of the population dead, political and religious chaos, no security, no infrastructure and one hell of a pissed off populous. We've destroyed the lives of 26,000,000 people, and no amount of backtracking and schedule shifting is going to change that. We're the assholes, we're the baddies, we're the meglomaniacal masterminds with plans for world domination.

I just feel so damned sorry.

A few from today:
Schroeder says Bush's religious talk worried him
Bush faces political nightmare if Democrats win
US Republicans launch terror ad
and my favourite:
Wife's phonecam pics 'smoking gun' in sex-with-dog case

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