Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Belgians in Mass Anti-Racism Wedding

About 700 Belgian couples have symbolically wed in a Flemish town where three couples had refused to let a black official marry them.

Genius. I've always loved the Belgians.


dza said...

The belgiums are actually geniuses. I was in Brussels a few years ago during a public transport strike. Anywhere else in the world and this would have resulted in serious inconvenience for all public transport users. Not in Belgium. Due to the strike, all transport services including the underground ran as normal, but....they were free. The transport company loses money, the strikers gain public support and everybody can still get to work. Genius. They also make the best beer in the world.

Dave Medlo said...

They're brilliant people - the relaxed nature of the Dutch combined with the efficiency of the Germans. Belgium is one of my favourite countries to be in, and I'm a huge fan of Leuven.

Lets start the Belgium renaissance here!