Sunday, October 14, 2007

Al Gore is like Yasser Arafat

Fox News get sniffy over Al Gore winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

"I would have thought people like the United States Airforce or the Marine Corp who bring about peace in this world, or Ronald Reagan who was denied it over Mikhail Gorbachev should win..."

Or how about "General David Petraeus as a representative of GI Joe?"

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Military Working on Cyborg Spy Moths

Sorry I haven't been updating for a while, been really busy and preoccupied. That said, I couldn't let this one slip past:

The newest weapon against terrorists? Moths. Spy moths. Genetically altered spy moths. With cameras. That can be controlled remotely. Remote controlled, genetically altered, camera implanted spy moths. Brought to you by the good people at Fox News.

Click here for the future.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Pressure Grows on Paul Wolfowitz

The executive board of the World Bank has said it did not approve a hefty pay rise ordered by its president Paul Wolfowitz for his partner.

It's always good news when one of these bastards starts to fall, but I wish he could be fired for being an architect of the Project for the New American Century and key sculptor of foreign policy than just siphering off funds to help his girlfriend.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Chocolate Jesus

I know this is a silly story, but watch the YouTube clip below to see the President of the Catholic League behaving like a 5 year old, and seemingly threatening the artist with a beheading...

"One of the worst assaults on Christian sensibilities EVER!"

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Harry Potter in Guantanamo Bay

Harry Potter is a favourite read of the illegally held prisoners in the worlds most infamous secret prison, reports Yahoo News.

I mean. What? Come on. Are you serious? One of the most contentious legal issues of modern day and we're being desensitised to it by hearing about the prisoners reading habits. There may be a library, but I doubt they get much time to read what with all the beatings, indimidation, sleep deprevation and torture methods used on a daily basis.